
to use your natural  abilities,
in the defense of your country,
against the enemies of freedom.

Defeat terrorism now

Write and call your senator and congressman.
congressional e-mail
" Take all of our rights away   now  !
We realize you can't protect us,
if we have any rights..
You've done well with the Patriot Act
but you only took 6 or 7 rights away.
Take them all.
We need protection
not rights."

we will then hire those with the proper abilities and  aptitudes
to scare the bejeesus out of thier neighbors.

11 bucks an hour

ride a bicycle on the sidewalk, hissing at the old and blind, knee poppin the geeks.
jump a sketeboard off a wall into shoppers and kids                   repeatedly
take photos and videos of the things your next door neighbors do

bonus for effective subjugation of opposite sex
or same if bi.
terror comes in all sizes
is an equal opportunity employer

we are a union of the people.
be free.

 Main A.R.T.O

 Scams home


*the American Retard Terrorist Organizatiom
refers one to Randy Newman's "small people" for
better security thru no rights.